dm_mac.neongetter module

Tool to update users.json from NeonOne API.

class dm_mac.neongetter.NeonUserUpdater(dump_fields: bool = False)

Bases: object

Class to update users.json from Neon One API.

BASE_URL: str = ''
MAX_PAGE_SIZE: int = 200
_dump_fields() None
_get_custom_fields_raw() List[Dict[str, Any]]

Return the raw API response for custom fields.

_get_users_page(page: int, fields: List[str | int | List[str]], cutoff: str) Tuple[int, List[Dict[str, Any]]]

Get a specified page of the account search endpoint.

_load_and_validate_config() Dict[str, str | List[str]]

Load and validate the config file.

_mac_users_reload() None

If env var set, trigger users config reload.

static example_config() Dict[str, str | List[str]]

Return an example configuration.

fields_to_get() List[str | int | List[str]]

Return a list of custom field names to retrieve from Neon.

get_users(fields: List[str | int | List[str]]) List[Dict[str, Any]]

Pull users from NeonCRM.

run(output_path: str) None

Run the update.

static validate_config(config: Dict[str, Any]) None

Validate configuration via jsonschema.

dm_mac.neongetter.main() None

Main entrypoint for CLI script.

dm_mac.neongetter.parse_args(argv: List[str]) Namespace

Parse command line arguments.